***Written October 25th 2009
So after a year and almost a half of dedicating myself to one man and one man only, being cheated on three times and just being through hell it is finally over. And despite how much pain he put me through there was so much good that is just haunting me right now. I miss him and i feel almost frantic without him but somewhere i have to tell myself i will be ok. Its hard when virtually any place or anything i own reminds me of him, i can't even go to work without people asking me about him. They all got to know him and seeing us together. My favorite places are now tainted with those memories with him. He still sleeps on my bed that i haven't picked up from his house yet....
I was still going to take him back after finding out he just started talking to another woman, we were making it work and then all of a sudden yesterday he takes me out for breakfast and told me he doesn't think we are good for each other for the fact we bring out the bad in each other. Maybe it brought out the bad in him but i was happy for a really long time. He broke down crying the whole time telling me he wanted us but he didn't think it would work. He apologized so much for hurting me, and that made everything hurt even more. Right now i am a wreck.
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