***Written January 13th 2010
Many people have asked if i think its a wise decision moving in with Ty and i have to say i truly feel it is. Ty is at a point where he finally is putting all the barriers and bullshit aside. Before our relationship only went as far as he wanted it to because of how things were with Sara (his ex wife). When me and Ty first met he told me he didn't think he would ever get married again. Every time Ty started to know he would have to commit he rebelled doing things and tried not love me because loving me meant being vulnerable and being able to be hurt. He has told me twice in the last week he has never given anyone this much control and paying attention to needs as he is me and in the past Sara. When he tells me i can hear it in his voice that he is scared but he is FINALLY making that jump. He initiated us getting a house together and he has continually trying to take care of me and my emotions. Things are different and seem more relaxed in the relationship as a whole. Although these last couple of weeks there has been quite a bit of fighting about the move...more or so that the stress gets to the point we start freaking out on each other because we are both scared shitless. We both want this move and definitely feel its time but there is so much to do it can be a stress overload. He came down over the weekend and all we could talk about was the house, laying in my bed saying "i wish we were at our house right now and this didn't have to end". Its wonderful, i just hope the first two months don't kill us too bad.
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